RTOM LV 8inLow Volume Mesh Head


Black Mesh with added Protection


RTOM LV 8″ Low Volume Mesh Head

From the creators of Moongel, we bring you the amazing value RTOM LV mesh drum heads for individual puirchase! The RTOM LV 16″ mesh drum head will attach to the batter side of your 16″ Floor Tom to dramatically lower the volume for neighbour/home-friendly practice.

We know how mesh heads feel good to play and their use on acoustic drums to attenuate the sound for home use. However, sometimes the attenuation can be a little bit more than is actually needed and can produce a very lack-lustre acoustic sound. This is where the RTOM LV mesh heads come into play.

Unlike standard mesh heads, the RTOM LV heads feature a reinforced circular patch in the centre which makes the head feel closer to a normal drum skin and allows some extra natural resonance from the drum to remain in the sound. Does that mean they are louder than normal mesh heads? Well yes! But if you can get away with a little more volume but are still banned from having a full acoustic drum sound or even the volume from RTOM Black Holes, then these could be the perfect halfway-house.

But we’ll let the infectiously positive Kenny Sherratts do the talking on this one!

YouTube video

They really are a versatile alternative and as you can see, there is scope for use with triggers and the very popular Yamaha EAD-10. Add a set of low-volume cymbals and your kit becomes the ultimate defence against the evil decibel meter! For the other end of the spectrum, see how they work for Metal…

YouTube video

Triggering is clearly an option for those wanting to do double-stroke-double-bass drumming. As for us, we like it Ringo styleee!

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