Aquarian Hi-Energy Snare Drum Heads


Your ultimate choice for unleashing power and resonance (but not to be confused with Hi-NRG)


Aquarian Hi-Energy Snare Drum Heads

When it comes to achieving unparalleled snare drum performance, look no further than the Aquarian Hi-Energy Snare Drum Heads. Crafted to cater to the needs of heavy hitters and drummers craving an explosive sound, these drumheads are designed to redefine the drumming experience of beastly muscle-men everywhere!

Experience Unmatched Durability

Engineered for the most vigorous playing styles, the Aquarian Hi-Energy Snare Drum Heads are the epitome of durability. Constructed as a clear, 10mil single-ply drumhead, these heads are fortified with an ultra-thin layer of Aquarian’s groundbreaking Power Dot material. This innovation not only enhances longevity but also safeguards against the impact of heavy hits and potential tears (beastly muscle-men don’t cry?), making these drumheads your steadfast companion in the studio and on stage.

Elevate Your Sound

Discover the true power of your snare drum with the Aquarian Hi-Energy Snare Drum Batter. Fitted with a specially reinforced centre featuring a subtle yet impactful Power Dot, these drumheads deliver an attack that’s both focused and commanding. This precision-engineered design ensures that every stroke you make is met with an explosive response, while maintaining an open, resonance adding depth and character to your sound.

Big Sound, Big Impact

Whether you’re performing to an arena crowd, Mathew Street or laying down tracks in the studio, the Aquarian Hi-Energy Snare Drum Heads deliver an impressive sonic presence. Engineered for unashamed sluggers who demand a massive sound, these drumheads consistently produce a dynamic range that fills the space between the knees with captivating resonance. This is not to say these heads are a one-trick pony – far from it. You can seamlessly transition from thunderous beats to nuanced accents and experience the sonic subtleties these drumheads can offer.

Protect Your Investment

One of the standout features of the Aquarian Hi-Energy Snare Drum Heads is the integrated Power Dot on the top surface. This added layer not only enhances the durability of the drumhead but also provides an additional shield against heavy hits and potential damage. Say goodbye to premature wear and tear as you confidently explore the full spectrum of your drumming prowess.

Incorporating the finest materials and cutting-edge design, the Aquarian Hi-Energy Snare Drum Heads are your gateway to a world of dynamic sound, robust durability, and expressive drumming. Whether you’re rocking out on stage or laying it down in the studio, this drumhead will give your snare drum the new life of a powerhouse! Experience a powerful tone and a great balance of frequencies in whatever style of music you play, thanks to Aquarian having the sheer audacity to try things other drum head manufacturers are afraid to try.