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Vater ‘Goodwood’ 7A Wood Tip Drumsticks


Get yer Vater seconds ‘ere…

SKU: V-GW7AW-12-PR Categories: , , Tags: , , ,


Vater ‘Goodwood’ 7A Wood Tip Drumsticks (12-pair brick-pack)

Vater are another leading American drumstick manufacturer specialising in quality American Hickory drumsticks. Like their competitors at Vic Firth, Vater make drumsticks to extremely high standards, only allowing the best Vater drumsticks into the ‘A-Grade’ selection. However, that doesn’t mean that every Vater drumstick comes out at premium-grade quality.

Some Vater drumsticks originally destined for A-List stick batch can fail Vater’s quality control process before they get selected for weights and stamping. The sticks which don’t make the grade may have some grain issues and the odd one may have the tiniest evidence of shaft-warp, which means they are farmed out to Vater’s ‘Goodwood’ range. But essentially, it’s very hard to tell the difference between a pair of Vater ‘Goodwood’ drumsticks and their premium equivalent.

Although drumstick manufacturers use familiar stick model names, no two manufacturers use identical lengths or diameters for the same stick! A Vater 7A dimensions are as follows:

  • Diameter: .540″
  • Length: 15.5″

We offer our Vater ‘Goodwood’ in very cost-effective bricks of 12 pairs, meaning you get the biggest saving possible on a bulk-buy deal. Remember folks, these are not Vater ‘premium’ grade sticks so do not be surprised with occasional inconsistencies with their cosmetic appearance, such as grain and surface colour. These are as we state, cosmetic and do not affect their durability as a ‘seconds’ product.