We are currently away at a drum show and our website is closed until 18 May 2024. We won't be able to accept any orders right now, as there's no one here to ship them. As Sam & Dave might say, "hold on, we're comin!"

Remo 13in Coated Diplomat Drum Head


Play real light, and you’ll just about get away with it!


Remo 13″ Coated Diplomat Drum Head

Remo Diplomat drum heads are thin, single-ply 7.5-mil drum heads mostly used as resonant-side heads. Due to their thinness, they are by far, Remo’s brightest, most open-sounding drum head delivering bright tones, resonance and maximum sustain.

The coated Diplomat version adds a little more durability and warmth to the overall tone, making them suitable for batter-side applications, but we stress, only in the lightest of playing scenarios. Think Jazz and Orchestral as the limited ball-park – not an ugly 3am covers gig in Mathew Street where you split your skin during ‘Sex On Fire’!


  • light-weight, single-ply
  • 7.5-mil thickness
  • Most suitable for Jazz & Orchestral use
  • Warm, resonant sound with maximum sustain
  • Fantastic as coated resonant

We have a very limited scope of customers who use Remo Diplomat coated heads as their playing side, but unless you’re playing within a real Jazz scenario we really don’t advise using them for general purpose batter use.