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Remo 13in Ambassador Hazy Classic Fit Drum Head


Thin, wispy, responsive, made for your Snare-Side…

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Remo 13″ Ambassador Hazy Snare-Side Classic Fit Drum Head

The Remo Ambassador Hazy Snare-side drum head is the standard issue bottom head for Snare Drums. Not as thin as a Diplomat, but still made only – and only ever for the resonant-side of a Snare Drum.

Remo Ambassador Hazy heads offer the open, resonant tones your Snare Drum wants to give you, combined with a perfect balance of high, mid and low frequencies. Constructed with 1-ply of 3-mil film, Ambassador Hazy is designed for all-round Snare Drum use and will withstand more chaffing from Snare wires than its thinner Diplomat Hazy relative. We recommend Remo Ambassador Hazy Snare-side heads for the bottom of pretty much every Snare Drum we sell.

What is a ‘Classic Fit’ Drum Head?

Remo Classic Fit drum heads are designed for vintage drum owners (especially Gretsch) who have drums which are slightly oversized or not perfectly round. Instead of a normal thickness flesh-hoop, the Classic Fit drum heads have a slightly narrower flesh-hoop allowing for a comfortable fit on older shells. Modern drums are manufactured to near-perfect diameters and shape whereas back in the day, shells were made with looser quality control. But that’s the beauty of owning a vintage drum set…

YouTube video

If you want your vintage Snare drum to sing, sing, sing then Remo have got your underside covered! One more thing folks…never use an Ambassador Hazy Snare-side on your  batter-side, as you will make us laugh hysterically – you have been warned!