We are currently away at a drum show and our website is closed until 18 May 2024. We won't be able to accept any orders right now, as there's no one here to ship them. As Sam & Dave might say, "hold on, we're comin!"

Gretsch G1-SLLRM Tom Arm + Clamp


Fixing it for guys’n’gals with undrilled Gretsch Catalina Bass drums…


Gretsch G1-SLLRM Single Rack-Tom Arm + Clamp

The Gretsch G1-SLLRM Tom arm is designed specifically for holding a single Rack-Tom with a Tom bracket with a 12.7mm diameter (the L-Arm bit!) In the Gretsch range of drums, this would be the Renown and Catalina series who both have Rack-Tom brackets with this diameter.

A big piece of metal through your Bass drum isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, so for those of us out there with an undrilled Gretsch Bass drum and not fans of the trendy Rack-Tom-on-Snare-stand fad, then this will do you proud.

This is a beautifully machined Gretsch tom holder, designed to clamp to the pipe of a cymbal stand – or any other stand for that matter – to quickly and easily mount a single Rack Tom. Utilising a Ball-and-Socket design, this 12.7mm L-Arm provides maximum adjustment without slippage.


  • Ball-and-Socket L-Arm
  • Fits 12.7mm tom brackets
  • Ideal for attaching to cymbal stand sections
  • Solid, chunky & strong
  • Fits Gretsch Catalina (not older models) & Renown series

This piece of Gretsch hardware is made by those Gibraltar boyos, so you know it’s going to be quality all the way to the bank!