Drum Mats

A Drum Mat Can Save Your Sanity!

Don’t be silly – get a drum mat! Pity the fool who sets a drum-kit up on a slippy, carpet-less stage, starts the gig and watches the Bass Drum move further away with every beat…get a drum mat and save your sanity!

Some of us older guys can remember those old Rhythm magazine interviews from the 80s, especially the first one they did featuring Mark Brzezicki in the days when Big Country were massive and a music industry that supported well-paid session work. During that particular interview, he expounded on the benefits of taking an old piece of 6ft x 6ft carpet to every gig to prevent slippage. Back in the day, there were no officially made ‘drum mats’ or ‘stage mats’ as such and Mark was one of the few drummers who had the idea of buying a cheap roll-end from his local carpet shop to prevent the embarrassment of ‘Bass Drum creep’.

Nowadays, there is no excuse. If you need a stage mat for your gig, whether you’re a drummer or a guitar player, you can now buy the exact tool for the job. To be frank, you youngsters have never had it so good! Instead of visiting Taffy’s Cut-Price Carpets (yes they really existed) and asking for the availability of a cheap off-cut, you can come to us and buy a dedicated drum mat.

We are currently away at a drum show and our website is closed until 18 May 2024. We won't be able to accept any orders right now, as there's no one here to ship them. As Sam & Dave might say, "hold on, we're comin!"

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